© A.St,RUD
Post-graduate student of chair for
social pedagogy and psychology
Master of Management Science of the educational
Specialities 13.00.04 - theory and methodology of professional education
Public higher education institution
“Zaporozhe National
University ”, Ukraine
“The introduction of the gender component of the national education system is, first of all, the introduction of respect for the dignity of every person” L. Grinevich
The essence of the scientific
problem consists:
of the national educational system – the prevalence of variability, inflexible
structures and gender complexities generates
certain problems and solutions that arise from within the management systems,
thereby revealing gender conflicts –
forms the necessary prerequisites for covering this kind of problems. It can be
argued that in
For several decades, researchers with a conservative-role attitude in management:
the concept of tokens, R. Kenter;
- the concept of gender flow, B. Gutec;
– the theory of gender selection of leaders, J. Bowman, S. Sutton;
– situational-official approach, R. Pause, J. Hunt;
– probabilistic leadership model, F. Fiedler;
social role theory, E. Igley, L. Martin, etc.,
conducted a fundamental inversion scientific work claiming that
in the first case the gender factor
dominates over the leadership position, while in the other, the leadership factor dominates over the gender one, and in the third case there is an equivalent leadership position and equivalent gender factor in management.
– A. Voronina, G. Rubin, T. Govorun, V. Moskalenko, I. Kletsina, A. Nezhinskaya, M. Radzivilova, T. Grabovskaya, etc., – the policy and management of the educational institution; – E. Bondarchuk, T. Kikinezhdi, A. Kruglova, L. Pampukha, G. Goncharuk, S. Krysyuk, V. Gromovoy, N. Gritsak, etc., – the problems of forming a gender approach in the management of education, gender competence of the leader; – T. Golovanova, D. Tsokur, P. Terzi and others, – gender culture and gender competence of a future teacher.
present, it is relevant to talk about inverse management and administration,
emerging gender disagreements, which indicate that one of the unsolved problems
is still the question of who is more effective as an education manager – a man or a woman?
acuteness of this problem lies in the preparation of a new manager of
education, in connection with which, there are real contradictions in the
professional development of competent “male
managers” and competent “female
managers”. It can also be argued that the existing gap in the preparation
and implementation of the innovative gender model of the competent educational
manager is an unjustified paradox. After all, under conditions of the
pronounced gender changes and gender stratification of society, gender
globalization and gender integration, the gender
factor is the most important component of any weighty analysis in the field
of the legal, social, humanitarian, economic and psychological sciences, which claims
relevance, objectivity and scientific character.
developments and implementation of the gender component in management
activities of educational institutions are partially implemented and tested.
However, it should be noted that the gender
technologies in the management and administration of an educational institution
are fragmented and segmented.
Gender modeling and gender design in the management of an educational institution are at the initial stage. The gender component in education is rudimentary but it remains complicated and contradictory in the qualitative professional training of students.
the gender component as a phenomenon is able to provide a more valuable level
of a specialist’s readiness for management, development of managerial
consciousness, flexible psychological thinking and gender sensitivity. In
addition, there is an objective need to improve and update the psychological
and pedagogical disciplines of higher education and postgraduate education.
The implementation
of the gender approach in the national education of Ukraine in general will
also enable the students of both sexes to develop naturally in their (female/male) personality, where modeling
verbal and non-verbal influences in the learning process will contribute to the
ability of a specialist to master detection and response to manifestations of
gender discrimination in the future.
Thus, integrative generation and balanced implementation of the gender components in education, for the purpose of comprehending the knowledge, skills and abilities by future effective managers in the laurels of the university, possessing a high level of managerial culture and gender sensitivity, is explained by the significant requirements for professional competence.
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